Forschungsbericht 2022
Smarte Entwicklung und Maschinenelemente M-19
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Nikola Bursac
Institut auf TORE
Unser Antrieb ist es Menschen zu unterstützen ihr Potential zu entfalten, indem wir sie inspirieren die smarte Produktentwicklung von morgen zu gestalten und so einen positiven Beitrag für die Gesellschaft leisten. Durch neue Wege in der Forschung lösen wir relevante Probleme der Produktentwicklung und stellen uns gemeinsam entstehenden Herausforderungen.
Process Model for the Data-driven Identification of Machine Function Usage for the Reduction of Machine Variants - inProceedings
Wagenmann, Steffen; Krause, Artur; Rapp, Simon; Hunemeyer, S.; Albers, Albert; Bursac, Nikola
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2022)
Publisher DOI
Application and Adaptation of a Process Model for Data-Driven Validation of the System of Objectives - inProceedings
Wagenmann, Steffen; Krause, Artur; Rapp, Simon; Albers, Albert; Sommer, Lutz; Bursac, Nikola
IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2022)
Publisher DOI
System Modelling in the Problem-Solving Process - A Human Oriented Approach to the Use of MBSE in Problem-Solving Processes - inProceedings
Bursac, Nikola; Albers, Albert; Kull, Pascal; Rapp, Simon; Maul, Ludwig
How Product and Manufacturing Design Enable Sustainable Companies and Societies (NordDesign 2022)
Publisher DOI
How to Use the Levers of Modularity Properly-Linking Modularization to Economic Targets - Article
Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter; Otto, Kevin N.; Moon, Seung Ki; Albers, Albert; Kirchner, Eckhard; Lachmayer, Roland; Bursac, Nikola; Inkermann, David; Rapp, Simon; Hausmann, Maximilian; Schneider, Jannik Alexander
Journal of Mechanical Design 144 (7): 071401 (2022-07)
Publisher DOI
Towards a System of Systems Engineering Architecture Framework - inProceedings
Mandel, Constantin; Guenther, Matthias; Martin, Alex; Windisch, Emily; Bursac, Nikola; Rapp, Simon; Anacker, Harald; Albers, Albert
17th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SOSE 2022)
Publisher DOI