Forschungsbericht 2022
Mechatronik im Maschinenbau M-4
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Kern
Institut auf TORE
Pole pitch optimization of a flux switching permanent magnet linear machine for small scale wave energy harvesting - inProceedings
Harms, Julius; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
18th International Conference on New Actuator Systems (ACTUATOR 2022)
Design and optimization of a wave energy converter for drifting sensor platforms in realistic ocean waves - Article
Harms, Julius; Hollm, Marten; Dostal, Leo; Kern, Thorsten Alexander; Seifried, Robert
Applied Energy 321: 119303 (2022-09-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Developing a VR training environment for fingers rehabilitation - Konferenzbeitrag (nicht im Tagungsband)
Aly, Ahmed Aly Ibrahim; Abbasimoshaei, Alireza; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022
Open Access
On the Design of Low-Cost Inductive Conductivity Sensors for Salinity Measurement in Oceangoing IoT Applications - inProceedings
Klar, Finn Jannek; Harms, Julius; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
21. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme (2022)
Impedance control and remote operation of robotic wrist therapy systems - Preprint
Kitajima Borges, Jose Pedro; Abbasimoshaei, Alireza; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
Technische Universität Hamburg (2022)
Open Access
Engineering haptic devices - book
Springer, Cham, 3rd edition (2022)
Publisher DOI
Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications - Proceedings
13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (EuroHaptics 2022)
Publisher DOI
Developing a new tele rehabilitation wrist and forearm therapy system with haptic feedback - Konferenzbeitrag (nicht im Tagungsband)
Abbasimoshaei, Alireza; Kitajima Borges, Jose Pedro; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022
Design of robot end-effector to be used in studying actuator-performance for vibrotactile perception in a telemanipulation setup - inProceedings
Youssef, Fady; Becker, Maximilian; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13235 LNCS: 507-510 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Developing a VR training environment for hand and fingers rehabilitation with haptic feedback - inProceedings
Abbasimoshaei, Alireza; Aly, Ahmed Aly Ibrahim; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13235 LNCS: 331-333 (2022)
Publisher DOI
Design and implementation of a cartesian impedance control in a bilateral telemanipulation system using UR10e robots - inProceedings
Hammoud, Ali; Youssef, Fady; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13235 LNCS: 408-411 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Electric traction motor spray cooling : empirical model development and experimental validation - Article
Gronwald, Peer-Ole; Wiese, Niels; Kern, Thorsten Alexander; Henke, Markus
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (in Press): (2022)
Publisher DOI
Design, simulation and evaluation of two coding programming languages for an eye-tracking controlling system for a three degrees of freedom robot useful for paralyzed people - Article
Abbasimoshaei, Alireza; Winkel, Marco; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 2: 100065 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Assessing the complexity of DC-system simulations - inProceedings
Ihrens, Jana; Schneider, Timo; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
IEEE Workshop on Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG 2022)
Publisher DOI