Forschungsbericht 2022
Personalwirtschaft und Arbeitsorganisation W-9
Leitung: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christian Ringle
Institut auf TORE
The Institute of Human Resource Management and Organizations (HRMO), W-9, belongs to the department for Management Sciences and Technology (MST) at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). The instiute's mission is to conduct outstanding research, to offer the students excellent lectures and seminars for a top-level education, and to ensure continuous knowledge transfer by frequently undertaking applied business projects with renowned companies. The instiute's team is committed to improving the already excellent reputation of the TUHH.
A conditional time-varying multivariate latent growth curve model for the relationships between academics’ servant leadership behavior, affective commitment, and job performance during the Covid-19 pandemic - Article
Ghasemy, Majid; Frömbling, Lena
Quality & Quantity (2022)
Publisher DOI
"Furry Tales" : pet ownership's influence on subjective well-being during Covid-19 times - Article
Damberg, Svenja; Frömbling, Lena
Quality & Quantity 56 (5): 3645-3664 (2022-10)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Predicting sustainable consumption behavior of Europeans using the CVPAT approach - Presentation
Frömbling, Lena; Damberg, Svenja; Saari, Ulla A.; Ringle, Christian M.
2022 International Conference on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS2022)
Changing tides : the new role of resilience and sustainability in logistics and supply chain management : innovative approaches for the shift to a new era - Proceedings
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL 2022)
Open Access
Advancing family business research through modeling nonlinear relationships : comparing PLS-SEM and multiple regression - Article
Basco, Rodrigo; Hair, Joseph F.; Ringle, Christian M.; Sarstedt, Marko
Journal of Family Business Strategy 13 (3): 100457 (2022-09)
Publisher DOI
Stay positive : studying the change patterns in academics' job and life satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic through growth curve modeling - Article
Ghasemy, Majid; Frömbling, Lena
Evidence-based HRM (in Press): (2022)
Publisher DOI
Integrated Generalized Structured Component Analysis: On the Use of Model Fit Criteria in International Management Research - Article
Cho, Gyeongcheol; Schlägel, Christopher; Hwang, Heungsun; Choi, Younyoung; Sarstedt, Marko; Ringle, Christian M.
Management International Review 62 (4): 569-609 (2022)
Publisher DOI
Green human resource management and the implications of culture on its practices in Asia : guest editorial - Article
Memon, Mumtaz Ali; Ting, Hiram; Ringle, Christian M.; Cheah, Jun Hwa; Muenjohn, Nuttawuth
International Journal of Manpower 43 (3): 589-594 (2022)
Publisher DOI
The use of partial least squares structural equation modeling and complementary methods in international management research - Article
Richter, Nicole Franziska; Hauff, Sven; Ringle, Christian M.; Gudergan, Siegfried
Management International Review 62: 449–470 (2022)
Publisher DOI
Stay with us! Examining academics‘ motivation, intention to remain, and turnover intention amidst the covid-19 lockdown through growth curve modeling - inProceedings
Ghasemy, Majid; Frömbling, Lena
14th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN22)
Publisher DOI
Strategisches Bankkundenmanagement - eine empirische Reputationsanalyse unter Berücksichtigung genossenschaftlicher Charakteristika - Thesis
Damberg, Svenja
Technische Universität Hamburg (2022)
Strategies for circular economy implementation - Konferenzbeitrag (nicht im Tagungsband)
Damberg, Svenja
33th ISPIM Innovation Conference: (2022)
The influence of circular economy implementation on competitiveness in manufacturing companies - Konferenzbeitrag (nicht im Tagungsband)
Saari, Ulla A.; Schneider, Matthias; Damberg, Svenja; Aarikka-Stenroos, Leena; Lanz, Minna; Herstatt, Cornelius; Ringle, Christian M.
28th IEEE ICE/ITMC & 31st IAMOT (2022)
Green HRM & Arbeitszufriedenheit : die Erstellung eines konzeptionellen Modells - Konferenzbeitrag (nicht im Tagungsband)
Ehrlich, Janna; Ringle, Christian M.
25. Fachtagung der GWPs (2022)
Gut geführt = gut gehalten? Der Einfluss von Führung auf die Mitarbeiterbindung - Konferenzbeitrag (nicht im Tagungsband)
Ehrlich, Janna
25. Fachtagung der GWPs (2022)
Does creating perceived co-operative member value pay off? : An empirical study in the German co-operative banking context - Article
Damberg, Svenja
Journal of co-operative organization and management 10 (1): 100170 (2022)
Publisher DOI
Die Beziehung ist gut, das Vertrauen ist besser : ein Führungsmodell der Mitarbeiterbindung - Article
Ehrlich, Janna
Wirtschaftspsychologie 24 (29): - (2022)
Guest editorial: Sports management research using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) - editorial
Cepeda Carrión, Gabriel; Hair, Joseph F.; Ringle, Christian M.; Roldán, José Luis; García-Fernández, Jerónimo
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 23 (2): 229-240 (2022-04-05)
Publisher DOI
Predicting future use intention of fitness apps among fitness app users in the United Kingdom : the role of health consciousness - Article
Damberg, Svenja
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 23 (2): 369-384 (2022-04-05)
Publisher DOI
Exploring the drivers and consequences of the "awe" emotion in outdoor sports : a study using the latest partial least squares structural equation modeling technique and necessary condition analysis - Article
Liu, Yide; Yu, Cheng; Damberg, Svenja
International journal of sports marketing & sponsorship 23 (2): 278-294 (2022-04-05)
Publisher DOI
Progress in partial least squares structural equation modeling use in marketing research in the last decade - Article
Sarstedt, Marko; Hair, Joseph F.; Pick, Mandy; Liengaard, Benjamin Dybro; Radomir, Lăcrămioara; Ringle, Christian M.
Psychology and Marketing 39 (5): 1035-1064 (2022-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Please don’t leave us : testing a model of turnover intention for validity and stability over time - Konferenzbeitrag (nicht im Tagungsband)
Ehrlich, Janna; Ringle, Christian M.
International Conference on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS2022)
A brief review of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) use in quality management studies - Article
Magno, Francesca; Cassia, Fabio; Ringle, Christian M.
TQM Journal (in Press, cc by): (2022)
Publisher DOI
A comparative study of the predictive power of component-based approaches to structural equation modeling - Article
Cho, Gyeongcheol; Sunmee, Kim; Lee, Jonathan; Hwang, Heungsun; Sarstedt, Marko; Ringle, Christian M.
European Journal of Marketing (in Press): (2022)
Publisher DOI
Predictive model assessment and selection in composite-based modeling using PLS-SEM: extensions and guidelines for using CVPAT - Article
Sharma, Pratyush Nidhi; Liengaard, Benjamin Dybro; Hair, Joseph F.; Sarstedt, Marko; Ringle, Christian M.
European Journal of Marketing (in Press): (2022)
Publisher DOI
Internal CSR under constraints : when working from home hurts the CSR-creativity link - Konferenzbeitrag (nicht im Tagungsband)
Lucius, Zita Katharina; Meinel, Martin; Damberg, Svenja; Ringle, Christian M.
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1): (2022)
Publisher DOI
Digital socialligators? : Social media-induced perceived support during the transition to the COVID-19 lockdown - Article
Sitar-Taut, Dan-Andrei; Mican, Daniel; Frömbling, Lena; Sarstedt, Marko
Social Science Computer Review (2022) (in press)
Publisher DOI
Revisiting Gaussian copulas to handle endogenous regressors - Article
Becker, Jan-Michael; Proksch, Dorian; Ringle, Christian M.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 50 (1): 46-66 (2022-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
A prediction-oriented specification search algorithm for generalized structured component analysis - Article
Cho, Gyeongcheol; Hwang, Heungsun; Sarstedt, Marko; Ringle, Christian M.
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal (in Press): (2022)
Publisher DOI
Latent class analysis in PLS-SEM : a review and recommendations for future applications - Article
Sarstedt, Marko; Radomir, Lăcrămioara; Moisescu, Ovidiu I.; Ringle, Christian M.
Journal of business research 138: 398-407 (2022-01)
Publisher DOI
What’s important for relationship management? : the mediating roles of relational trust and satisfaction for loyalty of cooperative banks’ customers - Article
Damberg, Svenja; Schwaiger, Manfred; Ringle, Christian M.
Journal of Marketing Analytics 10 (1): 3–18 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
PLS-SEM’s most wanted guidance - Article
Becker, Jan-Michael; Cheah, Jun Hwa; Gholamzade, Rasoul; Ringle, Christian M.; Sarstedt, Marko
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35 (1): 321-346 (2023-01-02)
Publisher DOI
A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) - book
Hair, Joseph F.; Hult, G. Tomas M.; Ringle, Christian M.; Sarstedt, Marko
A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): (2022)
Customer-Perceived Reputation and Sustainable Satisfaction in the German Banking Sector: An Abstract - inProceedings
Damberg, Svenja
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference - World Marketing Congress (AMSAC-WC 2021)
Publisher DOI
“PLS-SEM: indeed a silver bullet” – retrospective observations and recent advances - Article
Sarstedt, Marko; Hair, Joseph F.; Ringle, Christian M.
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (in Press): 1-15 (2022)
Publisher DOI
Führung und Arbeitszufriedenheit
Technische Universität Hamburg; Laufzeit 2019 - 2023
Projektleitung: Ringle, Christian M.
Mitarbeitende: Ehrlich, Janna
How to Suceed in Innovation
Technische Universität Hamburg; Laufzeit 2018 - 2022
Projektleitung: Ringle, Christian M.
Aging Workforce and Job Satisfaction in China
Technische Universität Hamburg; Laufzeit 2018 - 2023
Projektleitung: Ringle, Christian M.
Mitarbeitende: Frömbling, Lena
Reputation of Cooperative Banks
Technische Universität Hamburg; Laufzeit 2017 - 2022
Projektleitung: Ringle, Christian M.
Mitarbeitende: Damberg, Svenja
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling-Based Discrete Choice Modeling
Technische Universität Hamburg; Laufzeit 2015 - 2022
Projektleitung: Ringle, Christian M.
Mitarbeitende: Fischer, Andreas
Customer Loyalty in Banking
Technische Universität Hamburg; Laufzeit 2012 - 2022
Projektleitung: Ringle, Christian M.
Mitarbeitende: Hegner-Kakar, Anne Kathrin