Forschungsbericht 2018

Entwicklung einer Softwarearchitektur zur Steuerung Roboter-gesteuerten Probennahme und Entfernung potentieller Tumoren per theragnostischem Picosekunden-Infrarot-Laser

Institut: E-16
Projektleitung: Sibylle Schupp
Laufzeit: 01.01.2018 — 31.12.2019
Finanzierung:Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (FHH)
Verbundprojekte: sonstige Verbundprogramme

Context of the project is an existing software architecture for a laser robotic controller in a medical application at UKE. The software architecture is implemented on top of the well-known ROS ("robot operating system") from Stanford, which employs both event-based programming and the style of publish-subscribe messaging. This project is to prepare the architecture for a rigorous, formal validation.