Forschungsbericht 2010

Identification and Control of Multidimensional systems

Institut: Regelungstechnik
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Herbert Werner
Stellvertretende Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Herbert Werner
Mitarbeiter/innen: MSc. Mukhtar Ali
Projektnummer: E-14.043
Laufzeit: 12.01.2007 - 31.12.2010
Finanzierung: COE


This work is to identify multidimensional systems (which are sptially interconnected). Here we are interested in general class of multidimensional systems which may be separable or non-separable. These systems may be causal, semi-causal or non causal. The idea is first to identify these model in transfer function form and than extend the method to identify the same in state space form. After identification this work will proceed to the synthesis of controllers for such systems.

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