Forschungsbericht 2009

E-6 Messtechnik

LogoHarburger Schloßstr. 20
21079 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 / 42878 - 3213
Fax: 040 / 42878 - 2382



Prof.Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Matz (Leitung) (TUHH)
Prof.Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Jan Luiken ter Haseborg (TUHH)
Prof.Dr.rer.nat. Hauke Trinks (TUHH)


Birgit Paulmann (TUHH)

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen

Dr. Wolfgang Schröder (TUHH)




  • 2-02.088V

    O. Fiedler,"Strömungs- und Durchflußmeßtechnik, R. Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien, ISBN 3-486-22119-1, 1. Auflage 1992".

  • 2-02.089V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"Ausbreitung von Störströmen auf Leitungen,"Schutzmaßnahmen, Simulation und Meßtechnik, EMV'92 Karlsruhe, 25.-27.2.92, VDE-Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-1808-1".

  • 2-02.090V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"Common and Differential Mode Injection in Shielded Multiconductor Transmission Lines, NEM'92 Chicago, USA, July 18-25, 1992".

  • 2-02.091V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"Overvoltage protection in multiconductor transmission lines, 21st Int. Conference on Lightning Protection, Berlin, Sept. 22-25, 1992".

  • 2-02.092V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"Propagation and suppression of interfering transients on multicon-ductor transmission line systems, Symposium on EMC, Tel Aviv, Israel, Nov. 2-5, 1992".

  • 2-02.093V

    H. Mewes, F. Wolf, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Direction finding of disturbing electromagnetic field sources, 10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993".

  • 2-02.094V

    T. Kasdepke, J.L. ter Haseborg,"A method for measuring the primary line parameters of multiconductor transmission lines, 10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993".

  • 2-02.095V

    K.-D. Kruse, J.L. ter Haseborg, D.O. Wendt, K.-H. Gonschorek,"EM environment for automobiles between 10 kHz and 1 GHz - frequency dependence, parasitic radiators, shielding effects", 10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993".

  • 2-02.096V

    F. Wolf, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Influence of the nonlinear behaviour of protective components on RF-line-signals, 10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993".

  • 2-02.097V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, D.O. Wendt,"Analytical and numerical treatment of different types of transmission lines, 10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993".

  • 2-02.098V

    J.L. ter Haseborg,Mitautor des Buches,"Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, mit den Kapiteln,""Schaltüberspannungen, statische Entladungen, Feldimpulse" und "Schutzschaltungen zur Begrenzung von überspannungen", Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1992, (Hrsg. Gonschorek/Singer) ISBN 3-519-06144-9".

  • 2-02.099V

    S. Müller, D. Wolter, J.L. ter Haseborg,"In-vivo-Messungen elektrischer Potentiale am Fixateur extern nach Ilisarow, Der Unfall Chirurg, Springer-Verlag, 95. Jahrgang Heft 11, Nov. 1992, ISSN 0177-5537".

  • 2-02.100V

    H. Mewes, J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"A multichannel direction finding system, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Ann Arbor Michigan, USA, June 27 - July 2, 1993".

  • 2-02.101V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, T. Kasdepke,"Influence of the primary line parameters on results obtained by the transmission line theory, 24th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI),Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25 - Sept. 2, 1993".

  • 2-02.102V

    D. Wendt, J.L. ter Haseborg, Chr. Hähne, J. Skiba,"Rechnergesteuerter Meßplatz zur Bestimmung von Systemantworten, MessComp'93, Wiesbaden, 7.-9. Sept. 1993".

  • 2-02.103V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"Schutz von Antennenleitungen gegen transiente Störungen, Kleinheubacher Tagung 1993, URSI, Kleinheubach, 4.-8.10.1993".

  • 2-02.104V

    G. Matz, P. Kesners,"Membrane probe for on-line measurement of organic compounds in water using a mobile GC/MS system, Analusis Magazine, 20, m53-m54, (1992)".

  • 2-02.105V

    G.Matz, W. Schröder,"Fast GC-MS-Analysis of Contaminated Soil,"Routine Field Screening in Hamburg, Int. Symposium of Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, October 12-16, Budapest, Hungary, (1992)".

  • 2-02.106V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder, J. Flachowsky,"Vor-Ort-Untersuchung verunreinigter Böden durch GC/MS- und EDXRF-Verfahren, in Arendt F., Annokkêc G.J., Bosmann R., van den Brink W.J., "Contaminated Soil '93", S. 657-664, (1993)".

  • 2-02.107V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder,"Fast GC-MS-Analysis of Contaminated Soil,"Routine FieldScreening in Hamburg, Int. Symposium "Field Screening Methods for Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Chenicals", s. Las Vegas (USA, (1993)".

  • 2-02.108V

    G. Matz, A.Harder, P. Rechenbach,"Spürtrupp unter Vollschutz zur Probenahme vor! Meßtrupp zum Einsatz fertig!, Brandschutz/Deutsche Feuerwehr-Zeitung, 3/93, 207-213, (1993)".

  • 2-02.109V

    G. Matz, P. Kesners,"Spray & Trap Method for Water Analysis by Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in Field Applications, Anal. Chem., 65, 2366-2371, (1993)".

  • 2-02.110V

    T. Albrecht, G. Matz, D. Prüßmann,"Gassensoren-Array und Mustererkennung mit verschiedenen Klassifikatoren, Tagungsband MessComp ¿92, 324-329, (1992)".

  • 2-02.111V

    T. Albrecht, G. Matz, J. Hildemann,"Identifikation von Gefahrenstoffen in der Luft mit einem Array aus Halbleiter-Gassensoren und neuronalen Netzen, Postervortrag auf der Sensor ¿93 in Nürnberg".

  • 2-02.112V

    O. Fiedler,"Neue Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Strömungs- und Durchflußmeßtechnik, Plenarvortrag auf dem 7. Symposium Maritime Elektronik, Universität Rostock, 1992".

  • 2-02.113V

    O. Fiedler, O. Quak, A. Vahl,"Signalwege im Ultraschall-Durchflußmesser, messen - prüfen - automatisieren 29 (1993) 3, S. 14 - 15, ISSN 0937-3446".

  • 2-02.114V

    O. Fiedler, J. Werther, N. Labahn,"Halbleiterbildsensor als Ortsifltersonde zur Partikelgeschwindigkeitsmessung, Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht 1991 - 1993, Sonderforschungsbereich 238 der DFG, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, 1993".

  • 2-02.115V

    O. Fiedler, N. Labahn, I. Müller, K. Christofori,"Halbleiterbildsensor als Ortsfiltersonde - ein Verfahren zur Messung lokaler Partikelgeschwindigkeiten in der zirkulierenden Wirbelschicht, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 66 (1994) 1, ISSN 0009-286X".

  • 2-02.116V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, D.O. Wendt, K.-H. Gonschorek, K.-D. Kruse,"Meßtechnische Untersuchungen der von Sendern abgestrahlten elektromagnetischen Felder in Verbindung mit der EMV bei Kraftfahrzeugen, Die Elektromagnetische Umwelt des Kraftfahrzeugs (Hrsg. Gonschorek, Neu), FAT Schriftreihe Nr. 101, Frankfurt, 1993, ISSN 0933-050X".

  • 2-02.117V

    H. Mewes, J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"Funkpeilung elektromagnetischer Störquellen, 4. Int. Fachmesse und Kongreß für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Karlsruhe, 22.-24.2.1994, VDE-Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-1995-9".

  • 2-02.118V

    D.O. Wendt, J.L. ter Haseborg, Chr. Hähne,"Automatisiertes Low-Level-EMV-Testsystem, 4. Int. Fachmesse und Kongreß für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Karlsruhe, 22.-24.2.1994, VDE-Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-1995-9".

  • 2-02.119V

    T. Kasdepke, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Procedures for Estimating the Primary Line Parameters of Shielded Transmission Lines, 1994 Int. Aerospace and Ground Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Mannheim, May 24-27, 1994".

  • 2-02.120V

    J.L. ter Haseborg,"Mitautor des Buches,""Die elektromagnetische Umwelt des Kraftfahrzeuges", FAT Schriftenreihe Nr. 101, Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik EV (FAT) (Hrsg. Gonschorek/Neu) Frankfurt, 1993, ISSN 0933-050X".

  • 2-02.121V

    D.O. Wendt, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Radiation losses representation in the Transmission line theory, EMC'94 Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 13-16, 1994".

  • 2-02.122V

    T. Kasdepke, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Multiconductor transmission line theory for shielded cables under consideration of the environment, EMC'94 Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 13-16, 1994".

  • 2-02.123V

    T. Kasdepke, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Transfer impedance and transfer admittance for multiconductor transmission lines-measurement results, 1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 19-24, 1994".

  • 2-02.124V

    K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg,"A surge arrester SPICE Model considering the voltage/time characteristic, EMC'94 Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 13-16, 1994".

  • 2-02.125V

    K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"Simulating the frequency response of nonlinear protection circuits with SPICE, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Environments and Consequences, Bordeaux, France, May 30 - June 3, 1994".

  • 2-02.126V

    D.O. Wendt, J.L. ter Haseborg, K.-H. Gonschorek, K.-D. Kruse,"Various frequency dependent effects on electromagnetic fields (10 kHz - 1 GHz) in the vicinity of automobiles, EMC'94, Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 13-16, 1994".

  • 2-02.127V

    K.-H. Gonschorek, S. Helmer, A. Gille, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Realization of a measurement system for the simultaneous determination of the six components of an electromagnetic near field for the frequencies from 75 kHz to 30 MHz, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Environments and Consequences, Bordeaux, France, May 30 - June 3, 1994".

  • 2-02.128V

    M.S. Sarto, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Transient response analysis of gas arresters, International Sympoisum on Electromagnetic Environments and Consequences, Bordeaux, France, May 30 - June 3, 1994".

  • 2-02.129V

    D.O. Wendt, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Consideration and representation of radiation losses in the transmission line theory, 1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 19-24, 1994".

  • 2-02.130V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, F. Wolf,"EMC measures against transients on telecommunication lines, 1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 19-24, 1994".

  • 2-02.131V

    H. Mewes, F. Wolf, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Experimental investigations on high resolution direction finding algorithms,1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 19-24, 1994".

  • 2-02.132V

    M.S. Sarto, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Transient response analysis of two-stage nonlinear protection circuits in signal transmission systems, 11th Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 7-9, 1995".

  • 2-02.133V

    K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Measurement and modelling of nonlinear components for SPICE simulation of signal distorsions by protection circuits, 11th Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 7-9, 1995".

  • 2-02.134V

    K. Borgeest, M.S. Sarto, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Two simulation methods for the design of transient protection circuits in comparison with measurements, 2nd International Symposium on EMC, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-30, 1995".

  • 2-02.135V

    A. Gille, J.L. ter Haseborg,"The influence of electromagnetic fields on cardiac pacemakers, 2nd International Symposium on EMC, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-30, 1995".

  • 2-02.136V

    A. Gille, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Beeinflussung von Herzschrittmachern durch elektromagnetische Felder im Frequenzbereich 30 MHz - 3 GHz, submitted for publication on EMV-Symposium 1995, Mannheim, 4.-6. Oktober 1995".

  • 2-02.137V

    K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Eine Methode zum Blitzschutz von Antennenmasten" submitted for publication on EMV-Symposium 1995, Mannheim, 4.-6. Oktober 1995".

  • 2-02.138V

    G. Matz, P Kesners,"Spray and Trap for GC-MS Analysis of Aqueous Organics, Proc. Int. Symp. on Environm. Contam. in Central and Eastern Europe Budapest, 31-33, (1992)".

  • 2-02.139V

    G. Matz. P. Kesners,"A Tubular Membrane Thermal Desorption Device for On-Line GC-MS-Analysis of Organics in Water, Proceedings 3rd Int. Symposium on Field Screening, Las Vegas Feb. 1993".

  • 2-02.140V

    T. Albrecht, G. Matz, T. Hunte, J. Hildemann,"An intelligent gassensor-system for the identification of hazardous airborne compounds using an array of semiconductor gassensors and Kohonen Feature Map neural networks, 2nd Int. Conf. "Intelligent Systems Engineering", 130-137, (1994)".

  • 2-02.141V

    Schröder W., Matz G.,"Feld-Analytik mit GC/MS, WLB Wasser Luft und Boden, 2/95, 47-50, (1995)".

  • 2-02.142V

    G. Matz, A. Harder, A. Schillings, P. Rechenbach,"Mobiles Massenspektrometer im Feuerwehreinsatz - Schnelle Analyse von Gefahrstoffen- Einsatzkonzept, Brandschutz Deutsche Feuerwehr-Zeitung, 41-48, (1995)".

  • 2-02.143V

    A. Walte, G. Matz. W. Münchmeyer,"On-line Abgasanalyse von Aromaten mit mobilem GC-MS, WLB Wasser Luft und Boden, 3/95, 54-57, (1995)".

  • 2-02.144V

    T. Meyer-Jens, G. Matz, H. Märkl,"On-line measurement of dissolved and gaseous hydrogen sulphide in anaerobic biogas reactors, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 43, 341-343, (1995)".

  • 2-02.145V

    G. Matz, P. Kesners,"Thermal membrane desorption application (TMDA) method for on-line analysis of organics in water by GC-MS, Analusis, 23, M12-M16, (1995)".

  • 2-02.146V

    G. Matz,"Erfahrungen, Grenzen und Ausblicke der schnellen Vorortanalytik von organischen Schadstoffen, Hamburger Berichte, 6, 27-37, (1995)".

  • 2-02.147V

    W. Schröder, G. Matz,"Boden-GC/MS-Screening im Gelände, TerraTech, 4/95, 32-36, (1995)".

  • 2-02.148V

    Matz,"Sensorik und GC-MS-Schnellanalytik bei Chemieunfällen und Bränden", Notfallvorsorge und Zivile Verteidigung, 2/1994, 33-39, (1994).

  • 2-02.149V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder,"New Strategies for Quality Assurance in Fast Soil Analysis in the Field. Proceedings of Contaminated Soil '95, eds. W.J. van den Brink, F. Arendt, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, (1995)".

  • 2-02.150V

    G. Matz, J. Kübler, W. Schröder,"Multisampling, Fast Field GC-MS-Analysis and Statistics for Site Investigation and Remediation of Inhomogeneous Soil Contaminants. in: Contaminated Soil '95, eds. W.J. van den Brink, F. Arendt, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, (1995)".

  • 2-02.151V

    G. Matz, T. Albrecht, T. Hunte,"Gas-Sensor-Array for Chemical Accidents and Fires. Tagungsband Sensor 95, Nürnberg, 369-374, (1995)".

  • 2-02.152V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder,"A new fast method for field screening of polychlorinated biphenyls in air. J. Chromat. A, 750, 151-153, (1996)".

  • 2-02.153V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder,"Fast GC/MS Field Screening for Excavation and Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil. Field Analytical Chemistry and Technolgy, 1, 77-85, (1996)".

  • 2-02.158V

    G. Matz. A. Schillings, A. Harder,"Tenax Air Sampling Calibration Procedure for Field GC/MS Analysis. Proceedings of the Pittcon'96, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago IL (USA), March 3-8, 632, (1996)".

  • 2-02.159V

    G. Matz. A. Harder, A. Schillings,"Application of a Mobile GC-MS-System in Case of Fire and Chemical Accidents. Proceedings of the Pittcon'96, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago IL (USA), March 3-8, 630, (1996)".

  • 2-02.160V

    G. Matz, F. Lennemann, W. Münchmeyer,"Process Monitoring of Biotechnical Fermentation by GC/MS. Proceedings of the Pittcon'96, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago IL (USA), March 3-8, 166P, (1996)".

  • 2-02.161V

    G. Matz, T. Hunte, T. Albrecht,"Gas Sensor System for Chemical Accidents and Fires. Proceedings of the Pittcon'96, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago IL (USA), March 3-8, 359P, (1996)".

  • 2-02.162V

    G. Matz, W. Münchmeyer, A. Walte,"Automated Analysis of PAH in Emissions with Thermal Desorption and GC/MS. Proceedings of the Pittcon'96, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago IL (USA), March 3-8, 807, (1996)".

  • 2-02.163V

    G. Matz, G. Kibelka,"Sample Preparation for Semivolatile Organic Compounds. Proceedings of the Pittcon'96, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago IL (USA), March 3-8, 986, (1996)".

  • 2-02.164V

    G. Matz, F. Lennemann,"On-line monitoring of biotechnological processes by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of fermentation suspensions. J. Chromat., 750, 141-149, (1996)".

  • 2-02.165V

    G. Matz, G. Kibelka,"Development of an On-Site System for the Detection of Gases and Organic Compounds in Water. Proceedings of the 44th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, may 12-16, Portland, Oregon, USA, p. 49, (1996)".

  • 2-02.166V

    G. Matz, A. Schillings, A. Harder, W. Schröder, "Sample Preparation for a Mobile GC-MS-System. Proceedings of the 44th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, may 12-16, Portland, Oregon, USA, p. 525, (1996)".

  • 2-02.167V

    G. Matz, W. Münchmeyer, G. Kibelka, A. Walte,"Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometer for Monitoring of Aromatic Compounds in Exhaust Gases. Proceedings of the 44th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, may 12-16, Portland, Oregon, USA, p. 866, (1996)".

  • 2-02.168V

    G. Matz, L. Hornung, F. Lennemann,"On-line Monitoring an Bioreaktoren mit einem Prozeßmassenspektrometer, Kontaktforum Biotechnologie, Dechema Jahrestagung, Wiesbaden, (1996)".

  • 2-02.169V

    G. Matz,"Schnelle GC-MS-Analyse bei Chemieunfällen und Bränden. 41. Jahrestagung der Schutzkommission beim Bundesminister des Inneren, Würzburg, 28-30 Mai 1992, Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH [ISSN 0343-5164], 105-111, (1996)".

  • 2-02.170V

    G. Matz,"Sensorik und GC-MS-Schnellanalytik bei Chemieunfällen und Bränden. 42. Jahrestagung der Schutzkommission beim Bundesminister des Inneren, Bad Dürkheim, 20-22. Mai 1993, Halberstädter Druckhaus GmbH [ISSN ,0343-5164], 79-89, (1996)".

  • 2-02.171V

    G. Matz, T. Hunte,"Gas-Sensoren-Array mit integrierter Anreicherungseinheit. Tagungsband Sensor 97, Nürnberg, 3, 199-204, (1997)".

  • 2-02.172V

    W. Schröder, G. Kibelka, G. Matz,"Anreicherungskartuschen zur Thermodesorptions-Injektion großer Extraktäquivalente. InCom'97, Düsseldorf, 120, (1997)".

  • 2-02.173V

    W. Schröder, A. Schillings, G. Matz,"Einfaches Kalibrierverfahren in der Analytik leichtflüchtiger organischer Stoffe mit Tenax Anreicherung. InCom'97, Düsseldorf, 121, (1997)".

  • 2-02.174V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder, J. Kübler,"Field Method for the Detection of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Water and Soil Samples, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Field Analytical Methdos for Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Chemicals, Las Vegas, USA, 283-289, (1997)".

  • 2-02.175V

    G. Matz, A. Harder, A. Walte, W. Münchmeyer,"Short Column GC/MS with Increased Analysis Speed by Peak-Hopping. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Field Analytical Methdos for Harzardous wastes and Toxic Chemicals, Las Vegas, USA; 705-709, (1997)".

  • 2-02.176V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder,"Fast Detection of Wood Preservatives on Waste Wood with GC/MS, GC/ECD and Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Field Analytical Methdos for Harzardous wastes and Toxic Chemicals", Las Vegas, USA; 793-808, (1997)".

  • 2-02.177V

    G. Matz, A. Harder, A. Schillings, W. Schröder, P. Rechenbach,"Fast Analysis of Hazardous Organics in Fire and Chemical Accidents by Mobile GC/MS. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Field Analytical Methdos for Harzardous wastes and Toxic Chemicals, Las Vegas, USA; 290-296, (1997)".

  • 2-02.178V

    G. Matz, T. Hunte,"Sensor Array with auto-calibration property for the detection of hazardous compounds. Kongreßband, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 539P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.179V

    W. Münchmeyer, A. Walte, G.Matz, T. Hunte,"A novel electronic nose equipped with an enrichment device, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 612P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.180V

    A. Polomski, H. Märkl, F. Lennemann, G. Matz,"Applictaion of a tube membrane probe for on-line monitoring of dissolved gases in fermentation suspensions by membrane introduction mass spectometry (MIMS), Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 620P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.181V

    W. Münchmeyer, A. Walte, G. Matz, J. Lehne,"Fast analysis of complex mixtures with membrane inlet mass spectrometry and neural networks, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 356P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.182V

    G. Matz, A. Jensen,"Automatic enrichment unit for on line air monitoring, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 516P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.183V

    G. Matz, A. Harder, A. Walte, W. Münchmeyer,"Peak-hopping: A new technique to increase analysis speed in short column GC/MS, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 389P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.184V

    G. Matz, A. Schillings, A. Harder, W. Schröder,"Portable sampling tools for on-site analysis with a mobile GC-MS system, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 474P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.185V

    G. Matz, G. Kibelka,"Automatic solvent vaporizer for preconcentration on a coated tube and thermal desorption, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 497P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.186V

    G. Matz, W. Münchmeyer, A. Walte,"Fast automated analysis of polychlorinated organic compounds in emissions, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 471P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.187V

    U. Steiner, S. Sokolow, L. Jones, G. Matz, A. Walte, W. Münchmeyer,"On-line emission monitoring of semivolatile and chlorinated organic compounds using the rounded hyperbolic quadrupol (RHQ) mass spectrometer, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 339P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.188V

    G. Matz, F. Lennemann,"Automatic process gas monitoring of bioreactors with a mass spectrometer, Proc. of the Pittcon'97, Atlanta, 099P, (1997)".

  • 2-02.189V

    F. Lennemann, M. Pahl, J. Lunze, G. Matz,"Massenspektrometrisches Prozeßgas-Monitoring zur modellgestützten Regelung eines Biogas-Turmreaktors. technisches messen, 64, 263-267, (1997)".

  • 2-02.190V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder,"Fast On Site GC/MS Analysis of Hazardous Compound Emissions from Fires and Chemical Accidents. Field Analytical Chemistry andTechnology, 1 (4), 181-194, (1997)".

  • 2-02.191V

    G. Matz, A. Harder, A. Schillings, P. Rechenbach,"Schnellanalyse von organischen Schadstoffen mit mobilem GC/MS-System. Notfall Medizin, 9/97, 412-419, (1997)".

  • 2-02.192V

    W. Schröder, G. Matz,"Mobile GC/MS-Analytik zur Schnellerkundung leichtflüchtiger Boidenschadstoffe. WLB Wasser Luft und Boden, 9/97, 66-69, (1997)".

  • 2-02.193V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder,"Mobile GC/MS Analysis in the Field for the Determination of Toxic Compounds. Proc. Field Screening Europe, 295-298, Ed.: J. Gottlieb, H. Hötzl, K. Huck, R.Niessner, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, ISBN 0-7923-4782-X, (1997)".

  • 2-02.194V

    W. Schröder, J. Kübler, G. Matz,"Sum Parameter Evaluation of Toxic Compounds in Water and Soil Samples with Mobile GC/MS. 343-346, Proc. Field Screening Europe, Ed.: J. Gottlieb, H. Hötzl, K. Huck, R. Niessner, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, ISBN 0-7923-4782-X, (1997)".

  • 2-02.195V

    W. Schröder, G. Matz,"Wood Preservatives on Waste Wood: Fast Detection with GC/MS, GC/ECD and Ion mobility Spectrometry (IMS). Proc. Field Screening Europe, 347-350, Ed.: J. Gottlieb, H. Hötzl, K. Huck, R. Niessner, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, ISBN 0-7923-4782-X, (1997)".

  • 2-02.196V

    G. Matz, M. Loogk, F. Lennemann,"On-line gas chromatography - mass spectrometry for process monitoring using solvent-free sample preparation, J. Chromat. A, 819, 51-60, (1998)".

  • 2-02.198V

    W. Schröder, A. Schillings, G. Matz,"Self-Made Y-Splits for Hyphenated Capillary Gas Chromatography, J. High Resol. Chromatogr. 21, 125-127, (1998)".

  • 2-02.199V

    G. Matz, G. Kibelka,"Development of an automated sampling device for the control of marine pollution, Proc of the Pittcon'98, New Orleans, 1964P, (1998)".

  • 2-02.200V

    G. Matz, T. Hunte, S. Döhren,"Gas-detector array with ion-mobility spectrometer for emergency response, Proc of the Pittcon'98, New Orleans, 1974P, (1998)".

  • 2-02.201V

    G. Matz, T. Hunte, S. Döhren,"Simple calibration gas generator for easy testing of gas sensors and sensor arrays, Proc of the Pittcon'98, New Orleans, 2085P, (1998)".

  • 2-02.202V

    W. Schröder, G. Matz, J. Kübler,"Preservatives on Waste Wood: Fast Detection with GC/MS, GC/ECD and Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology, 2 (5), 287-297, (1998)".

  • 2-02.204V

    G. Matz, G. Kibelka, J. Dahl, F. Lennemann,"Experimental study on solvent-less sample preparation methods: SBT-Membrane extraction with sorbent interface, thermal membrane desorption application and purge-and-trap, J. Chromat. A, 830, 365-376, (1998)".

  • 2-02.205V

    . Beil, R. Daum, R. Harig, G. Matz,"Remote sensing of atmospheric pollution by passive FTIR, Proc. of the European Symposium on Spectroscopic Atmospheric Environmental Monitoring Techniques, Barcelona, in SPIE, 3493, 32-43, (1998)".

  • 2-02.206V

    G. Matz, R. Harig, A. Beil, R. Daum,"Ferndetektion luftgetragender Schadstoffe mit passiver FTIR-Spektrometrie, VDI Berichte Nr.1443, 697-706, (1999)".

  • 2-02.207V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder, A. Liebram,"A Compact, Non-Scanníng Magnet-MS for Highly Time Resolved Analyses of Gas Mixtures, Proc. Of the 50th Pittsburgh Conference, Orlando (USA), 621, (1999)".

  • 2-02.208V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder, M. Gohl, A. Walte,"Online Measurement of Oil-Compounds in the Exhaust Gas of Combustion Engines by Mass Spectrometry, , Proc. Of the 50th Pittsburgh Conference, Orlando (USA), 2078P, (1999)".

  • 2-02.209V

    G. Matz, W. Schröder, T. Hunte,"Gas Detector Array (GDA) for On-Site Detection of Hazardous Compounds, Proc. Of the 7th Int. Conference On-Site Analysis, 0-003, (1999)".

  • 2-02.210V

    K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Rechnergestützter Entwurf von Schutzmaßnahmen gegen Überspannungen, 5. Int. Fachmesse und Kongreß für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Karlsruhe, 20.-22.2.1996, VDE-Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-2164-3".

  • 2-02.211V

    A. Gille, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Störfestigkeitsmessungen an Herzschrittmachern für Störfelder über 50 MHz, 5. Int. Fachmesse und Kongreß für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Karlsruhe, 20.-22.2.1996, VDE-Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-2164-3".

  • 2-02.212V

    L. Jung, D. O. Wendt, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Low-Level-EMC-Test-System, EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20, 1996".

  • 2-02.213V

    A. Gille, J. L. ter Haseborg,"A small sensor to measure the electric field in and on the surface of biological materials in the frequency range 450 MHz - 1 GHz, EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20, 1996".

  • 2-02.214V

    K. Borgeest, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Improvement of protection circuits for signal lines with special diodes, EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20, 1996".

  • 2-02.215V

    T. Kasdepke, J. L. ter Haseborg,"The influence of the line parameters on the coupling to shielded multiconductor transmission lines, EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20, 1996".

  • 2-02.216V

    D.O. Wendt, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Representation of the effects caused by inhomogeneities of transmission lines in the TLT, EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20, 1996".

  • 2-02.217V

    D.O. Wendt, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Various electromagnetic effects and their representation in the TLT, 25th General U.R.S.I. Assembly, Lille, France, August 28 - September 5, 1996".

  • 2-02.218V

    T. Kasdepke, J. L. ter Haseborg,"External field coupling to cable harnesses, invited paper for the 25th General U.R.S.I. Assembly, Lille, France, August 28 - September 5, 1996".

  • 2-02.219V

    H. Mewes, J.L. ter Haseborg,"A Comparison of Various High Resolution Spectral Estimation Techniques in Radio Direction Finding, FREQUENZ, 50 (1996) 1-2".

  • 2-02.220V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, K. Borgeest,"Analysis of Nonlinear Multistage Protection Circuits Against Interfering Transients, AMEREM `96, Albuquerque, USA, May 27-31, 1996".

  • 2-02.221V

    K. Borgeest, M.S. Sarto,J.L. ter Haseborg,"Computer Aided Design of Nonlinear Protection Circuits, International Zurich Symposium on EMC 1997, Feb. 18-20, 1997".

  • 2-02.222V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, H. Werner, D. Jaeger,"Störfestigkeitsmessungen nach der HIRF-Methode und LLSC/BCI-Methode an Flugzeugen, EMV-Symposium 1997, Mannheim, 12.-14. Mai 1997".

  • 2-02.223V

    K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Ein analytischer Ansatz zur Optimierung nichtlinearer Schutzschaltungen für HF-Applikationen, EMV-Symposium 1997, Mannheim, 12.-14. Mai 1997".

  • 2-02.224V

    A. Gille, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Aufbau eines Sensors zur gleichzeitigen Messung des elektrischen und magnetischen Feldes, auch in Dielektrika, im Frequenzbereich 100 MHz - 1 GHz, EMV-Symposium 1997, Mannheim, 12.-14. Mai 1997".

  • 2-02.225V

    L. Jung, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Low-Level-EMV-Testsystem, EMV-Symposium 1997, Mannheim, 12.-14. Mai 1997".

  • 2-02.226V

    D.O. Wendt, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Representation of inhomogeneities of transmission lines: comparison of theoretical and measurement results, PIERS, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 7-11, 1997".

  • 2-02.227V

    D.O. Wendt, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Description of electromagnetic effects in the transmission line theory via concentrated and distributed linear elements, 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radion Science Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 13-18, 1997".

  • 2-02.228V

    A. Gille, J.L. ter Haseborg,"A small sensor to measure the electric and the magnetic field component simultaneously in biological material, 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radion Science Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 13-18, 1997".

  • 2-02.229V

    K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Measurement of extremely low nonlinear distortions, 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radion Science Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 13-18, 1997".

  • 2-02.230V

    A. Gille, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Aufbau eines Sensors zur gleichzeitigen Messung des elektrischen und magnetischen Feldes für verschiedene Anwendungen im Frequenzbereich 100 MHz - 1 GHz, eingereicht für 6. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, 10.-12. Februar 1998".

  • 2-02.231V

    K. Borgeest, T. Kasdepke, J.L. ter Haseborg, C. Sassin,"Simulation geschirmter Kabelbündel unter Feldeinwirkung, eingereicht für 6. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, 10.-12. Februar 1998".

  • 2-02.232V

    T. Kasdepke, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Messung der Transferimpedanzen geschirmter Mehrfachleiter, eingereicht für 6. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, 10.-12. Februar 1998".

  • 2-02.233V

    K. Borgeest, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Rechnergestützter Entwurf von Schutzmaßnahmen gegen Überspannungen, ELEKTRIE, 4-8/96, ISSN 0013-5399".

  • 2-02.234V

    A. Gille, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Störfestigkeitsmessungen an Herzschrittmachern für Störfelder über 50MHz, ELEKTRIE, 4-8/96, ISSN 0013-5399".

  • 2-02.235V

    T. Kasdepke, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Störbeeinflussung von Kabelbündeln verursacht durch externe elektromagnetische Felder, eingereicht für die Veröffentlichung in ELEKTRIE, 6-8, 1997".

  • 2-02.236V

    T. Kasdepke, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Simulation von Störströmen auf geschirmten Mehrfachleitungen, eingereicht für die Veröffentlichung in ELEKTRIE, 6-8, 1997".

  • 2-02.237V

    L. Jung, T. Kasdepke,J.L. ter Haseborg,"Improved Setup for the Measurement of the Complex Transfer-Impedances and -Admittances of Shielded Multiconductor Cables, IEEE EMC Symposium, Denver, USA, Aug. 23-28, 1998".

  • 2-02.238V

    K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg, L. Jung, C. Sassin,"Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Modelling of Conductors and Packages with Arbitrary Geometry with Respect to EMC, EMC¿98 Roma, Sept. 14-18, 1998".

  • 2-02.239V

    L. Jung, J. L. ter Haseborg,"The influence of Shield Inhomogeneities on the Complex Transfer-Impedances and -Admittances of Shielded Multiconductor Cables, EMC¿98 Roma, Sept. 14-18, 1998".

  • 2-02.240V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, L. Jung, T. Weber,"Transients: Measurement, Simulation and Protection, International Zurich Symposium on EMC 1999, Feb. 16-18, 1999".

  • 2-02.241V

    C.-D. Ritschel, E. Gockenbach, L. Jung, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Investigations on the Linearity of Indirect Effects with Different Methods, International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Toulouse, France, June 22-24, 1999".

  • 2-02.242V

    L. Jung, J. L. ter Haseborg,"Detection of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables under Consideration of the Conductive Environment, International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Toulouse, France, June 22-24, 1999".

  • 2-02.243V

    L. Jung, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Characterization of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables by Evaluation of Measured Complex Transfer Impedances and Admittances, IEEE EMC Symposium on EMC, Seattle, USA, Aug.2-6, 1999".

  • 2-02.244V

    J.L. ter Haseborg, L. Jung,"On the Efficiency of Multiconductor Cable Shields, XXVIth General Assembly of URSI, University of Toronto, Canada, August 13-21, 1999".

  • 2-02.245V

    J. Rumold, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Die Einkopplung elektromagnetischer Felder in komplexe Kabelbündel, Symposium Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV 99 in Mannheim, 13.-15.9.1999".

  • 2-02.246V

    L. Jung, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Bestimmung der Schirminhomogenitäten geschirmter Mehrfachleiterkabel durch Messung der komplexen Transferimpedanzen und Transferadmittanzen, Symposium Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV 99 in Mannheim, 13.-15.9.1999".

  • 2-02.247V

    T. Weber, L. Jung, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Integration von nichtlinearen Schutzschaltungen in das Low-Level-Meß- und Übertragungssystem, Symposium Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV 99 in Mannheim, 13.-15.9.1999".

  • 2-02.248V

    A. Larsson, V. Scuka, K. Borgeest, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Numerical Simulation of gas Discharge Protectors - A Review, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 14, No. 2, p. 405, April 1999".

  • 2-02.249V

    T. Weber, J.L. ter Haseborg, L. Jung,"Integration of Nonlinear Protection Circuits into the Low-Level-Test- and Simulation-System, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7, 1999".

  • 2-02.250V

    J. Rumold, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Coupling of Electromagnetic Fields into Complex Multiconductor Transmission Line Cable Bundles, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7, 1999".

  • 2-02.251V

    L. Jung, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Measurement of Complex Transfer Impedances and Admittances for the Determination of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7, 1999".

  • 2-02.252V

    D. Nitsch, J. Schlüter, H.-J. Kitschke, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Determination of the System Transferfunction using Ultra-Wide Pulses, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7, 1999".

  • 2-02.253V

    D. Jaeger, H. Werner, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Comparison of Transfer Function / Bulk Current Injection - Method with Complete Aircraft Radiation - Testing, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7, 1999".

  • 2-02.254V

    L. Jung, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Evaluation of Measured Complex Transfer Impedances and Transfer Admittances for the Characterization of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables, IEEE Transactions on EMC, Vol. 41 No. 4, November 1999".

  • 2-02.255V

    J. Rumold, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Komplexe Kabelbündel unter elektromagnetischer Feldeinwirkung, Symposium EMV 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, 22.-24.Feb. 2000".

  • 2-02.256V

    M. Leone, L. Jung, H. Singer, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Strahlungseinkopplung in Leiterplatten - Simulation und Messung, Symposium EMV 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, 22.-24.Feb. 2000".

  • 2-02.257V

    L. Jung, J.L. ter Haseborg,"Einfluß von Schirminhomogenitäten auf die komplexen Transferimpedanzen und -admittanzen von Mehrleiterkabeln, Symposium EMV 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, 22.-24.Feb. 2000".

  • 2-02.258V

    T. Weber, J.L. ter Haseborg,"PSpice-Simulation und Optimierung nichtlinearer Schutzschaltungen unter Berücksichtigung der Energieabsorption, Symposium EMV 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, 22.-24.Feb. 2000".


  • 2-02.011D

    P. Kesners,"Vor-Ort und On-Line Wasseranalyse mit Gaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie unter Verwendung von Polymeren zur Phasentrennung und Anreicherung,, 1993".

  • 2-02.012D

    H. Mewes,"Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen von Peilverfahren für Mehrkanalempfänger im HF-Bereich, 1994".

  • 2-02.013D

    A. Walte,"On-Line Analyse gasförmiger und partikelgebundener Aromaten in Abgasen mit einem mobilen Massenspektrometer, 1995".


  • 2-02.004P

    K.-D. Kruse, J.L. ter Haseborg, J. Nedtwig,"Elektrooptische Meß- und übertragungsvorrichtung, Gebrauchsmuster 88 09 093".