Forschungsbericht 2007


Institut: Softwaresysteme
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Ralf Möller
Stellvertretende Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Ralf Möller
Mitarbeiter/innen: Dipl.-Inform. Sebastian Wandelt
Projektnummer: E.4-02.024
Laufzeit: 01.07.2007 - 31.12.2010


Description Logic Persistent Streams

Description Logics are robust and mature knowledge representation formalisms unifying well known traditions from artificial intelligence research. The project DLPStreams is concerned with extending description logics in the following way:

  1. Real world data often comes as streams of information. We want to provide means for reasoning over such streams with respect to description logics. For example, such a technology can greatly improve cross-modal media interpretation and retrieval.
  2. Real world data often does not fit into main memory. Todays description logic systems are known to not deal well with huge data sets. DLPStreams investigates techniques to reason over bi-memory structures (internal + external memory).

Both extensions demand for efficient and sophisticated reasoning technologies such that they are applicable in practice. To summarize,

DLPStreams:=DLs+Streams+External Memory+Efficient Reasoning

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