Forschungsbericht 2006

Theoretische Untersuchungen und experimentelle Validation fehlertoleranter, skalierbarer Flugsteuerungssysteme (SKALAR)

Institut: Flugzeug-Systemtechnik
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Carl
Stellvertretende Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Carl
Mitarbeiter/innen: M.Sc. Olaf Cochoy
Projektnummer: E.2-08.039
Laufzeit: 01.07.2003 - 31.12.2007
Finanzierung: LUFO III


The goal of the joint project SKALAR is to develop an innovative architecture and design process of electronic flight control systems, that satisfy high functionality and safety requirements, enabling cost effective adaptation of the system to different aircraft configurations (scalable architecture).

Within SKALAR, the Institute for Aircraft Systems Engineering aids to conceive a system architecture including computer, actuation and power systems, with the emphasis on reliability issues. Innovative concepts for fault tolerant actuatuor systems, that minimize hardware needs and assure high operational availability, are therefore developed and verified by means of simulations and experiments.

The definition of a scalable complete system architecture requires to account for computer and communication systems as well as peripheral actuator system technology for primary and secondary flight control, including the power supply systems, during the concept finding phase. Flight control systems and reliability requirements and consequently the system redundancies are highly dependend on the aircraft configuration. Thus, in order to ensure optimal scalability of the electronic core system of computer and actuator technologies, new flight control concepts are developed and assessed with respect to fault tolerance aspects and cost effective hardware redundancies. Especially promising are system concepts with, compared to state of the art technology, higher fault tolerance in actuator systems with actuator control electronics. The developed fault tolerance strategies will be experimentally verified with a critical actuator configuration.

The research project is sponsored by the German Ministry of Economics (BMWA) in the frame of the National Aeronautical Research

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Forschungsprojekt können Sie hier bekommen


  • 2-08.157V
    Cochoy, O.; Carl, U. B.: "Redundant Hybrid Actuation Concept for Primary Flight Controls", VDI-Berichte Nr. 1892, Mechatronik 2005, VDI-Verlag GmbH, Duesseldorf, S. 483-495, 2005
  • 2-08.158V
    Cochoy, O.; Hanke, S.; Carl, U. B.: "Concepts for Position and Load Control for Hybrid Actuation in Primary Flight Controls", DGLR Jahrestagung, Friedrichshafen, JT-2005-68, 2005


  • Fehlertoleranz
  • Flugsteuerung
  • Zuverlässigkeit